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Table 5 Association between lung functions with air pollutant levels and other exposures sources among infant residents in Salamanca, Guanajuato 2004 - 2005

From: Impact of air pollution on pulmonary function and respiratory symptoms in children. Longitudinal repeated-measures study


Lung function


FVC β (95%CI)

FEV1 β (95%CI)

PEF β (95%CI)

FEV1/FVC β (95%CI)

O3 (μg/m 3)

-0.0746 (-0.1018, -0.0474)*

-0.0046 (-0.0064, -0028)*

-0.0160 (-0.0219, -0.0101)*

0.0578 (-0.0048, 0.1205)

SO2 (μg/m 3)

-0.0248 (-0.0426, -0.0069)*

-0.0029 (-0.004, -0.0017)*

-0.0103 (-0.0142, -0.0064)*

-0.0278 (-0.069, 0.0133)

NO2 (μg/m 3)

0.1572 (0.0648, 0.2496)*

0.0132 (0.0070, 0.0193)*

0.0484 (0.2840, 0.6869)*

0.0284 (-0.1845, 0.2414)

PM10 (μg/m 3)

-0.0142 (-0.0274, -0.0009)*

-0.0028 (-0.0036, -0.0019)*

-0.1519 (-0.1807, -0.1230)*

-0.0691 (-0.0996, -0.0385)*

Temperature (°C)

0.3220 (0.0148, 0.4959)*

0.0263 (0.0147, 0.0379)*

1.1837 (0.805, 1.5623)*

0.03621 (-0.3635, 0.4359)


-0.3019 (-0.5400, -0.0638)*

-0.2800 (-0.1163, 0.0759)

-1.2844 (-1.8012, -0.7675)*

-1.8346 (-7.2676, 3.5982)


-0.0252 (-0.1440, 0.0936)

-0.0201 (-0.1163, 0.0759)

0.0021 (-0.2371, 0.2415)

-0.4488 (-2.6628, 1.7640)


0.0068 (-0.0550, 0.0686)

-0.0165 (-0.0665, 0.0335)

-0.0306 (-0.1552, 0.0939)

-0.4686 (-1.6205, 0.6832)

Fossil fuels

-0.0186 (-0.0798, 0.0425)

-0.0142 (-0.0637, 0.0352)

-0.1179 (-0.2412, 0.0052)

0.1946 (-0.9447, 1.339)

Passive smoking

-0.0219 (-0.0868, 0.0493)

-0.0276 (-0.0801, 0.0248)

-0.0966 (-0.2272, 0.0340)

-0.3535 (-1.5614, 0.8544)

  1. Beta coefficients by 10 μg/m3 increase of O3, SO2, NO2 and PM10, and 10°C increase in temperature, obtained with multilevel mixed models with slope as random effects, adjusted for height, BMI, sex, age, fossil fuel and passive smoking; clustering by child
  2. * P-value < 0.05