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Table 6 Lung function measures according to exposure from oil tank explosion in men and women

From: Airway symptoms and lung function in the local population after the oil tank explosion in Gulen, Norway




Difference between exposed <6 km and control

Difference between exposed 3-6km and control

Difference between exposed <3 km and control


n = 91

n = 99


AM (SD)a

AM (SD)a

AM difference (95% CI)b

AM difference (95% CI)b

AM difference (95% CI)b

FEV1 (mL)

3860 (827)

3746 (843)

- 137 (−307, 32)

−87 (−336, 161)

−194 (−406, 18)

FEV1% predicted

90.7 (13.8)

88.5 (14.9)

−1.6 (−5.7, 2.5)

−0.6 (−6.6, 5.4)

−2.7 (−8.8, 3.5)

FVC (mL)

5125 (843)

4902 (880)

−242 (−435, -50)

−212 (−497, 73)

−275 (−569, 18)

FVC% predicted

99.5 (11.8)

96.1 (13.0)

−3.7 (−7.4, 0.0)

−2.4 (−7.9, 3)

−5.1 (−10.6, 0.5)

FEV1/FVC ratio

0.75 (0,08)

0.76 (0,08)

0.01 (−0.01, 0.03)

0.02 (−0.01, 0.05)

0.00 (−0.02, 0.03)


n (%)

n (%)


Airway obstruction c before salbutamol

5 (6)

14 (14)


Airway obstruction c after salbutamol

4 (4)

9 (9)



n = 71

n = 94


AM (SD)a

AM (SD)a

AM difference (95% CI)b

AM difference (95% CI)b

AM difference (95% CI)b

FEV1 (mL)

2896 (543)

2775 (700)

−99 (−235, 37)

−206 (−402, -10)

5 (−190, 199)

FEV1% predicted

95.7 (12.8)

90.6 (15,4)

−3.5 (−8.1, 1.1)

−7.2 (−13.9, -0.5)

0.0 (−6.6, 6.5)

FVC (mL)

3667 (625)

3567 (807)

−92(−250, 87)

−252 (−478, -27)

66 (−158, 289)

FVC% predicted

99.8 (12,2)

96.6 (13.8))

−1.6 (−6.4, 3.2)

−6.5 (−12.6, -0.4)

1.0 (−5.0, 7.0)

FEV1/FVC ratio

0.80 (0.06)

0.77 (0.09)

−0.01 (−0.3, 0.01)

−0.01 (−4.2, 2.3)

−1.4 (−4.6, 1.9)


n (%)

n (%)


Airway obstructionc before salbutamol

3 (4)

7 (7)


Airway obstructionc after salbutamol

1 (2)

6 (6)

  1. Exposed status was defined as living <6 km (average 3.7 km) from the explosion site; control status as living >20 km (average 28 km) from the explosion site. Increasing intensity of exposure was defined by dividing the exposed in those living 3–6 km (average 4.7 km) and <3 km (average 2.6 km) from the explosion site
  2. a Arithmetic mean (Standard deviation). b Arithmetic mean difference (95% confidence interval) between exposure groups and control group from linear regression models adjusted for smoking, occupational exposure, atopy (defined by Phadiatop® ), infection in the preceding month, height and age (models for FEV1% predicted and FVC% predicted not adjusted for height and age). c Airway obstruction defined as FEV1/FVC < 0.70 and FEV1% predicted <0.8.