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Table 1 Demographic data, pulmonary function and smoking history

From: Functional exercise capacity and health-related quality of life in people with asbestos related pleural disease: an observational study


n=25 mean (SD)

Age, yr

71 (6)

Height, cm

174 (5)

Weight, kg

84 (12)

BMI, kg/m2

28 (3)

FVC, % pred

82 (19)

FEV1, % pred

74 (20)


66 (11)

TLC, % pred

80 (19)

FRC, % pred

80 (23)

RV, % pred

78 (29)

DLCO, % pred

59 (13)

KCO, % pred

84 (18)

Smoking, pack year

12 (15)

Never smoked (n)


  1. n = number; SD = standard deviation; yr = year; cm = centimetre; kg = kilogram; BMI = body mass index; m = metre; FVC = forced vital capacity; % pred = percentage of predicted value; FEV 1 = forced expiratory volume in one second; TLC = total lung capacity; FRC = functional residual capacity; RV = residual volume; D L CO = diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; KCO = carbon monoxide transfer coefficient.