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Table 2 Analysis of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid

From: T cell receptor-Vβ repertoires in lung and blood CD4+ and CD8+T cells of pulmonary sarcoidosis patients

BALF characteristics

Differential cell count


Percent recovery

Total cell conc. (*106/L)c

Lymphocytes (%)c

Macrophages (%)c

Neutrophils (%)c

Eosinophils (%)c

Sarcoidosis patientsa

68 (42–73)

153 (35–534)


74 (30–92)

1.0 (0.2-3.4)

0.0 (0–3.0)

Healthy controlsb

68 (48–71)

77 (62–106)

10 (5.7-11)

88 (88–89)

1.3 (0.7-5)

0.0 (0–0.4)

  1. a)n = 15; b)n = 3; c)median (min- max range) d)see result section and Table 1.