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Table 1 Framework Analysis Procedure (adapted from Ritchie and Lewis 2006[12])

From: The information and support needs of patients discharged after a short hospital stay for treatment of low-risk Community Acquired Pneumonia: implications for treatment without admission

1. Familiarisation is the process of becoming familiar with the range and diversity of the data. The research team read through the transcripts as they were completed, highlighting recurrent themes and generated a multitude of descriptive codes.

2. Identifying a thematic framework. Using the research notes from the first 6 transcripts the team identified key issues, concepts and themes with which to reference the data. An initial rough index was developed and applied to the transcripts. Further refinements were agreed by the research team as the index was applied to the transcripts. This continued up to an including transcript 9 with no further refinements required thereafter.

3. Indexing. This framework was systematically applied to the entire data set where each section of text in each transcript was labelled

4. Charting The researchers then attempted to build up a picture of the data as a whole, by rearranging summaries of material relating to each theme according to their thematic reference. Each participant had one row on the chart whilst themes were arranged in columns.

5. Mapping and interpretation. Once the data had been sifted and charted according to core themes, the researchers attempted to pull together key characteristics of the data, and to map and interpret the data set as a whole.