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Table 1 Infant and adult ventilatory measurements* before (day 0) and 2 days after infection with A/Wuhan/359/95

From: Comparison of airway measurements during influenza-induced tachypnea in infant and adult cotton rats





Day post-infection

Day post-infection






f (bpm)

287 (±24)

473 (±29)

290 (±22)

448 (±21)

TV (ml)

0.169 (±0.036)

0.158 (±0.023)

0.531 (±0.138)

0.381 (±0.056)

MV (ml/min)

48.14 (±10.68)

74.451 (±8.44)

153.542 (±43.47)

169.687 (±22.50)

PIF (ml/s)

2.942 (±0.561)

4.049 (±0.426)

8.799 (±2.574)

9.071 (±1.328)

PEF (ml/s)

2.378 (±0.433)

4.313 (±0.411)

6.733 (±1.821)

8.71 (±0.966)

RT (s)

0.086 (±0.009)

0.041 (±0.003)

0.087 (±0.008)

0.046 (±0.002)

Te (s)

0.121 (±0.011)

0.065 (±0.004)

0.116 (±0.01)

0.068 (±0.005)

  1. *Measurements shown include: Frequency (f) in breaths per minute (bpm), Tidal Volume (TV), Minute Volume (MV), Peak Inspiratory Flow (PIF), Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF), Relaxation Time (RT), Expiratory Time (Te). Infant and adult cotton rats were infected with influenza virus as described in the Materials and Methods. The results shown are the average of 4 – 10 animals, with standard deviation shown in parentheses. Significant differences (paired samples t test, p < 0.05) between day 0 and day 2 are marked with a †.