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Table 1 Characteristics of the included studies

From: Noninvasive versus invasive mechanical ventilation for immunocompromised patients with acute respiratory failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Study design


Sample size (NIV/IMV)

Cause of immunodeficiency

SAPS II (SD orrange)

Number of NIV patients that switched to IMV (%)


Azoulay 2001

Cohort, single-centered

France, ICU

96 (48/48)

Hematologic malignancy or solid tumors

NIV: 47 (38–60)

Not specified

1. 30-day mortality

IMV: 44.5 (36–59)

2. Nosocomial infections

Azoulay 2003

Case-control, single-centered

France, ICU

15 (7/8)

Hematological malignancy


4 (57.1)

1. Mortality (in ICU)

Azoulay 2004

Case-control, single-centered

France, ICU

148 (79/69)

Hematological malignancy, allogeneic BMT, solid tumors, chemotherapy


45 (57.0)

1. Mortality (in hospital)

B-M 2013

Case-control, single-centered

Spain, ICU

41 (35/6)

Hematological malignancy

63 (18)

14 (40.0)

1. Mortality (in hospital)

2. Mortality (in ICU)

3. Duration of ICU stay

4. Duration of hospitalization

5. Nosocomial infections

6. Duration of mechanical ventilation

Confalonieri 2002

Cohort, single-centered

Italy, ICU

48 (24/24)


NIV: 37 (9)

8 (33.0)

1. Mortality (in ICU)

IMV: 38 (5)

2. Duration of ICU stay

3. Duration of hospitalization

4. Nosocomial infections

5. Duration of mechanical ventilation

Depuydt 2004

Cohort, single-centered

Belgium, ICU

78 (26/52)

Hematological malignancy and allogeneic BMT

NIV: 46

18 (69.2)

1. Mortality (in hospital)

IMV: 46

Depuydt 2010

Cohort, single-centered

Belgium, ICU and general medical units

91 (24/67)

Hematological malignancy and allogeneic BMT

NIV: 52 (15)

18 (75.0)

1. Mortality (in ICU)

IMV: 65 (18)

2. Mortality (in hospital)

3. Duration of ICU stay

Gachot 1992

Case-control, single-centered

France, ICU

45 (36/9)



11 (30.6)

1. Mortality (in ICU)

2. Mortality (in hospital)

Gristina 2011

Case-control, multicenter

Italy, ICU

1302 (274/1028)

Hematologic malignancy

NIV: 49 (16)

126 (46.0)

1. Mortality (in ICU)

IMV: 58 (18)

2. Mortality (in hospital)

3. Duration of ICU stay

4. Duration of hospitalization

5. Duration of mechanical ventilation

6. Nosocomial infections

Molina 2012

Case-control, multicenter

Spain, ICU

300 (131/169)

Hematological malignancy and BMT


79 (60.3)

1. Mortality (in ICU)

Pancera 2008

Case-control, single-centered

Italy, PICU

239 (120/119)

Hematologic malignancy or solid tumors


31 (25.8)

1. Mortality (in ICU)

2. 30-day mortality

Rabitsch 2005

Case-control, single-centered

Austria, ICU

82 (35/47)

Autologous or allogeneic BMT for hematological malignancies

NIV: 62 (49–84)

24 (68.6)

1. Mortality (in hospital)

IMV: 68 (51–87)

Turkoglu 2013

Case-control, single-centered

Turkey, ICU

67 (46/21)

Hematological malignancies


36 (78.3)

1. Mortality (in ICU)

  1. Abbreviations: AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome; BMT bone marrow transplantation; ICU Intensive Care Unit; PICU Pediatric Intensive Care Unit; USA United States of America; NIV Noninvasive mechanical ventilation; IMV Invasive mechanical ventilation; SAPS II Simplified Acute Physiologic Score II; NS Not stated; SD Standard deviation