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Table 4 Mean values of correct, incorrect and ‘do not know’ answers and percentages of pulmonary rehabilitation attendance in patients with COPD GOLD grade II, GOLD grade III and GOLD grade IV

From: Knowledge gaps in patients with COPD and their proxies


Patients with COPD GOLD

grade II

(n = 93)

Patients with COPD GOLD

grade III

(n = 62)

Patients with COPD GOLD

grade IV

(n = 39)


Knowledge statements

• Correct answers, mean (SD)a

19.4 (5.5)†

20.4 (5.0)

25.2 (3.3)


• Incorrect answers, mean (SD)

6.2 (2.5)

6.8 (2.6)

5.8 (2.0)


• ‘Do not know’, mean (SD)a

8.4 (6.1)†

6.3 (4.3)

3.1 (2.8)


Pulmonary rehabilitation

• Patients who attended PR, n (%)

24 (25.8%)†,‡

33 (53.2%)

27 (69.2%)


  1. Values expressed as mean (SD)
  2. Abbreviations: COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, PR pulmonary rehabilitation
  3. aNon-parametric statistic tests were used because of skewed data
  4. † p < 0.01 vs patients with COPD GOLD grade IV
  5. ‡ p < 0.01 vs patients with COPD GOLD grade III