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Table 2 GRADE Evidence Profile

From: Lower mortality after early supervised pulmonary rehabilitation following COPD-exacerbations: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Supervised early PR versus usual care for patients with acute exacerbation of COPD

Outcome Timeframe

Study results and measurements

Absolute effect estimates

Certainty in the effects estimates (Quality of evidence)

Plain text summary

Usual care

Early PR


End of treatment


Relative risk 0.58

(CI 95% 0.35–0.98)

Based on data from 319 patients (4 studies)


per 1.000


per 1.000


Due to serious risk of biasa

Early pulmonary rehabilitation probably decreases mortality at the end of treatment

Difference: 73 fewer per 1.000

(CI 95% 112 fewer - 3 fewer)


Longest follow-up


Relative risk 0.55

(CI 95% 0.12–2.57)

Based on data from 127 patients (3 studies)


per 1.000


per 1.000


Due to serious risk of biasand serious risk of imprecisiona,b

Early pulmonary rehabilitation may decrease mortality slightly at the longest follow-up

Difference: 28 fewer per 1.000

(CI 95% 55 fewer - 99 more)

Days in hospital

End of treatment


Measured by: Days

Lower is better

Based on data from 180 patients (1 study)






Due to serious imprecisionc

Early pulmonary rehabilitation probably decreases days in hospital at the end of treatment

Difference: MD 4.27 lower

(CI 95% 6.85 lower - 1.69 lower)

Days in hospital

Longest follow-up



No studies were found that looked at number of days in hospital at the longest follow-up

Readmission due to exacerbation

End of treatment



No studies were found that looked at readmission to hospital due to exacerbation at the end of treatment

Readmission due to exacerbation

Longest follow-up


Rate ratio 0.47

(CI 95% 0.29–0.75)

Based on data from 365 patients (6 studies)



Due to serious risk of biasa,d

Early pulmonary rehabilitation probably decreases readmission to hospital due to exacerbation at the longest follow-up

Health-related quality of life

End of treatment


Measured by: SGRQ

Lower is better

Based on data from 86 patients (2 studies)

Difference: MD 19.43 lower

(CI 95% 29.09 lower - 9.77 lower)


Due to serious risk of bias and serious risk of imprecisiona,c

Early pulmonary rehabilitation may improve health-related quality of life at the end of treatment

Health-related quality of life

Longest follow-up


Measured by: SGRQ

Lower is better

Based on data from 323 patients (4 studies)

Difference: MD 8.74 lower

(CI 95% 12.02 lower - 5.45 lower)


Due to serious risk of biasa,d

Early pulmonary rehabilitation probably improves health-related quality of life at the longest follow-up

Exercise capacity

End of treatment


Measured by: SWT (meters)

Higher is better

Based on data from 95 patients (3 studies)

Difference: MD 54.7 more

(CI 95% 30.83 more - 78.57 more)


Due to serious risk of biasa,d

Early pulmonary rehabilitation probably increases exercise capacity at the end of treatment

Exercise capacity

End of treatment


Measured by: 6MWT (meters)

Higher is better

Based on data from 274 patients (5 studies

Difference: MD 76.89 more

(CI 95% 21.34 more - 132.45 more)


Due to serious risk of bias and serious inconsistencya,d,e

Early pulmonary rehabilitation probably increases exercise capacity at the end of treatment

Exercise capacity

Longest follow-up


Measured by: SWT (meters)

Higher is better

Based on data from 2017 patients (3 studies)

Difference: MD 90.27 higher

(CI 95% 69.53 lower - 250.08 higher)


Due to serious risk of bias and serious inconsistency leading to serious imprecisiona,b,d,e

Early pulmonary rehabilitation may increase exercise capacity at the longest follow-up

Dropout rate

End of treatment


Relative risk 0.99

(CI 95% 0.71–1.39)

Based on data from 440 patients (8 studies)


per 1.000


per 1.000


Due to serious risk of biasa,d

Early pulmonary rehabilitation probably has little impact on the dropout rate at the end of treatment

Difference: 2 fewer per 1.000

(CI 95% 63 fewer - 85 more)

Dropout rate

Longest follow-up


Relative risk 1.05

(CI 95% 0.6–1.85)

Based on data from 181 patients (3 studies)


per 1.000


per 1.000


Due to serious risk of biasa,d

Early pulmonary rehabilitation probably has little impact on dropout at the longest follow-up

Difference: 10 more per 1.000

(CI 95% 81 fewer - 172 more)


Longest follow-up



No studies were found that looked at falls at the longest follow-up

Activities of daily living

End of treatment



No studies were found that looked at activities of daily living at the end of treatment

Activities of daily living




No studies were found that looked at activities of daily living at the longest follow-up

  1. CI confidence interval, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, MD middle difference, PR pulmonary rehabilitation, SGRQ St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire, SWT Shuttle Walking Test, 6MWT 6 min walking test
  2. Quality of evidence. High quality: We are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect; Moderate quality: We are moderately confident in the effect estimate, the true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility that it is substantially different; Low quality: Our confidence in the effect estimate is limited, the true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect
  3. aRisk of bias: Serious. Unclear/inadequate sequence generation and unclear/inadequate concealment of allocation during randomization process resulting in potential for selection bias
  4. bRisk of imprecision: Serious. Wide confidence intervals
  5. cRisk of imprecision: Serious. Low number of patients
  6. dRisk of bias: Serious. Inadequate/unclear or lack of blinding of outcome assessors resulting in potential for detection bias
  7. eRisk of inconsistency: Serious. The magnitude of statistical heterogeneity was high