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Fig. 6 | BMC Pulmonary Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Increased extracellular vesicle miRNA-466 family in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid as a precipitating factor of ARDS

Fig. 6

Effects of miRNA-466 g and miRNA-466 m-5p on the production of IL-1β by BMDMs. BMDMs were transfected with miRNA-466 g and miRNA-466 m-5p. Two days after transfection, cells were treated with 10 ng/mL LPS. Five hours later, 1 μM of the NLRP3 inhibitor CP-456773 was added to the culture medium, and 1 h later these cells were stimulated with 5 mM ATP. a IL-1β concentration in medium as measured by ELISA (mean ± SD, n = 3, ****P < 0.001, N. D. = not detected). b Intracellular pro-IL-1β (31 kDa) was detected using western blotting. Pro-IL-1β expression was assessed with densitometry of immunoblots. Signal intensities were normalized to β-actin (mean ± SD, n = 3, *P < 0.05, N. D. = not detected)

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