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Table 3 Characteristic of patients who developed lung cancer at the time of lung cancer diagnosis (n = 135)

From: Risk factors and clinical characteristics of lung cancer in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a retrospective cohort study


No. (%) or mean ± SD or median (IQR)

Age, years

 At the time of IPF diagnosis

65.2 ± 7.2

 At the time of lung cancer diagnosis

69.0 ± 7.2

Gender, male

128 (94.8)


 Current smoker

26 (19.3)


108 (80.0)


41.7 ± 13.7


96 (71.1)


41 (30.4)

 Chronic heart disease

33 (24.4)

 Previous history of tuberculosis

29 (21.5)

 Other malignancy

16 (11.9)

 Cerebrovascular disease

8 (5.9)

 Chronic liver disease

6 (4.4)

 Chronic kidney disease

5 (3.7)


 Development of new symptoms

58 (43.0)

 Change of symptoms

24 (17.8)

Pulmonary function test at lung cancer diagnosis

 FVC, % (n = 125)

84 (71–93)

 DLco, % (n = 113)

62 (50–77)

 TLC, % (n = 99)

83 (73–91)

 6-min walk test, distance, meter (n = 38)

420 (360–474)

 6-min walk test, lowest saturation, % (n = 38)

89 (82–93)

  1. DLco diffusing capacity, FVC forced vital capacity, IPF idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, IQR interquartile range, SD standard deviation, TLC total lung capacity