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Table 2 Histological patterns of 50 patients with a probable UIP pattern on HRCT

From: Clinical diagnosis of patients subjected to surgical lung biopsy with a probable usual interstitial pneumonia pattern on high-resolution computed tomography

Histological pattern

n (%)

Bronchiolocentric fibrosis

26 (52.0)

 With fibroblastic foci and/or microscopic honeycombing

14 (28.0)

 With giant cell and/or granulomas

3 (6.0)

 With fibroblastic foci and/or microscopic honeycombing plus granulomas and/or giant cells

2 (4.0)

 Without other findings

7 (14.0)

Usual interstitial pneumonia

13 (26.0)

Classical histological triad of hypersensitivity pneumonitis

7 (14.0)

Unclassifiable interstitial lung disease

2 (4.0)

Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features

2 (4.0)