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Table 1 Characteristics of trial participants

From: A feasibility study evaluating a reservoir storage system for continuous oxygen delivery for children with hypoxemia in Kenya


Summary statistic (N = 9)


 Female sex, n (%)

4 (44)

 Age (years), median (IQR)

2 (1–3)

Facility, n (%)


5 (56)


4 (44)

Vital signs at admission

 Temperature (axillary, °C), median (IQR)

37.3 (36.7–37.7)

  Fever (Tax > 37.5 °C), n (%)

4 (44)

 Respiratory rate (breaths/min), median (IQR)

38 (38–42)

  Tachypnea,a n (%)

5 (56)

 Heart rate (beats/min), median (IQR)

136 (119–149)

  Tachycardia,a n (%)

3 (33)

 Systolic blood pressure (mmHg), median (IQR)

95 (90–98)

  Hypotension, n (%)


 SpO2 (% on room air),b median (IQR)

80 (79–85)

  Hypoxemia (< 90%), n (%)

9 (100)

History of presenting illness, n (%)


8 (89)

 Difficulty breathing

9 (100)


1 (11)

 Not eating/drinking anything

1 (11)

Physical exam at admission

 Chest indrawing, n (%)

7 (78)

 Wheezing, n (%)

1 (11)

 Delayed capillary refill time (> 3 s), n (s)


 Altered consciousness, n (%)


 Composite clinical severity (SICK) score,c median (IQR)

1.7 (1.7–1.9)

Diagnoses, n (%)


7 (78)


3 (33)


3 (33)

MPR utilization, n (%)

 Patient finished O2 treatment with MPR

5 (56)

 MPR stopped early, switch to O2 cylinder

4 (44)

Outcome, n (%)

 Discharged home

5 (56)

 Transferred to another facility

3 (33)


1 (11)

  1. aDefined as > 99th percentile for age [14]
  2. bPeripheral blood oxygen saturation
  3. cSigns of Inflammation in Children that Kill (SICK) [14, 15]
  4. dOne patient was diagnosed with HIV, tuberculosis and malnutrition; one patient was diagnosed with sickle-cell disease; and one patient was diagnosed with diarrhea and convulsions