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Table 2 Group means or medians for secondary outcomes pre- and post-intervention, and mean within-person change in secondary outcomes, with 95% confidence intervals (CI)

From: A feasibility randomised controlled trial of Novel Activity Management in severe ASthma-Tailored Exercise (NAMASTE): yoga and mindfulness


Yoga group

Control group

Pre, mean/median (CI)

Post, mean/median (CI)

Within-person change, mean (CI)

Pre, mean/median (CI)

Post, mean/median (CI)

Within-person change, mean (CI)

Asthma control and quality of life

 ACQ5, median (CI)

1.4 (0.6, 2.0)

0.5 (0.2, 1.8)

− 0.4 (− 1.0, 0.1)

0.8 (0.0, 2.1)

0.6 (0.2, 2.2)

0.2 (− 0.1, 0.5)

 SGRQ—Total score, mean (CI)

44 (32, 55)

35 (21, 48)

− 10 (− 21, 1)

40 (29, 51)

38 (26, 49)

− 3 (− 11, 6)

 SGRQ—Activity, mean (CI)

56 (42, 70)

46 (30, 61)

− 12 (− 25, 2)

56 (32, 79)

49 (26, 72)

− 7 (− 18, 5)

 SGRQ—Symptoms, mean (CI)

48 (31, 65)

41 (23, 59)

− 8 (− 22, 6)

40 (25, 55)

46 (32, 61)

6 (− 2, 15)

 SGRQ—Impacts, mean (CI)

35 (24, 47)

27 (14, 40)

− 9 (− 19, 0)

31 (21, 42)

28 (17, 40)

− 3 (− 16, 10)

 EQ-5D—Your health today, median (CI)

80 (62, 88)

80 (61, 95)

7 (− 1, 15)

85 (67, 93)

90 (70, 95)

1 (− 7, 10)

 Number of exacerbations in the 12 months before baseline assessment (“pre”) or the duration since baseline assessment [median 56 weeks] (“post”), median (CI)

2 (1, 3)

1 (1, 2)

0 (− 2, 2)

3 (2, 3)

2 (1, 3)

− 1 (− 3,1)

Physical activity

 Actigraph: Steps per day, mean (CI)

4883 (3749, 6017)

3923 (2828, 5018)

− 101 (− 2073, 1871)

5652 (3367, 7937)

6599 (3963, 9234)

682 (− 912, 2277)

 Actigraph: Sedentary minutes per day, mean (CI)

791 (656, 925)

828 (669, 986)

− 100 (− 265, 65)

792 (586, 999)

762 (569, 955)

12 (− 113, 136)

 Actigraph: Moderate-vigorous physical activity mean min/day, median (CI)

14 (8, 31)

17 (8, 23)

2 (− 14, 18)

14 (5, 64)

45 (15, 71)

11 (0, 21)

 Actigraph: Light physical activity mean min/day, median (CI)

161 (137, 175)

153 (102, 193)

12 (− 45, 69)

140 (124, 163)

142 (83, 168)

− 12 (− 46, 23)

 IPAQ—Metabolic minutes per week, median (CI)

960 (198, 1600)

1302 (362, 2935)

752 (81, 1423)

2048 (105, 4073)

2772 (747, 4916)

1108 (− 1244, 3461)

Post-bronchodilator lung function

 % predicted FEV1, mean (CI)

75 (61, 88)

76 (64, 88)

3 (− 3, 10)

72 (56, 87)

73 (51, 96)

0 (− 6, 6)

 % predicted FVC, mean (CI)

91 (76, 105)

92 (78, 106)

3 (− 5, 11)

90 (81, 98)

88 (74, 101)

− 1 (− 10, 8)

 FER, mean (CI)

0.64 (0.57, 0.72)

0.65 (0.57, 0.74)

0.01 (− 0.02, 0.04)

0.62 (0.48, 0.76)

0.64 (0.48, 0.80)

0.00 (− 0.03, 0.03)

Other physiological outcomes

 Blood eosinophils, median (CI)

0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

0.1 (0.0, 0.3)

0.0 (− 0.1, 0.0)

0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

− 0.1 (− 0.2, 0.1)

 FeNO, median (CI)

20 (10, 46)

26 (18, 45)

1 (− 5, 8)

43 (21, 91)

36 (13, 69)

− 6 (− 18, 6)

 hs-CRP, median (CI)

3 (1, 4)

3 (2, 5)

1 (− 1, 3)

1 (1, 10)

4 (1, 9)

− 6 (− 26, 13)

 BMI, mean (CI)

32 (28, 35)

32 (29, 35)

0 (− 1, 1)

29 (24, 34)

29 (24, 35)

0 (0, 1)

 BIA % body fat mass, mean (CI)

41 (35, 47)

42 (37, 48)

1 (0, 2)

37 (26, 47)

38 (28, 47)

1 (0, 2)

 Total walk distance, mean (CI)

436 (384, 488)

453 (392, 513)

33 (− 2, 67)

526 (424, 628)

546 (441, 652)

20 (− 40, 80)

Other patient reported outcomes

 Dyspnea-12—total score (high score is greater symptoms), mean (CI)

11 (6, 15)

9 (3, 15)

− 4 (− 8, 1)

7 (2, 13)

10 (4, 17)

4 (− 2, 9)

 HADS Anxiety score (high score is greater symptoms), median (CI)

6 (4, 9)

6 (2, 10)

− 1 (− 3, 1)

4 (0, 7)

4 (2, 7)

0 (− 2, 2)

 HADS Depression score (high score is greater symptoms), median (CI)

3 (3, 8)

5 (1, 8)

− 1 (− 2, 0)

4 (1, 8)

1 (0, 6)

− 1 (− 2, 0)

 Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index total (high score is poorer sleep quality), mean (CI)

8 (6, 9)

8 (5, 10)

− 1 (− 3, 2)

7 (5, 9)

5 (3, 7)

− 1 (− 4, 1)

 Friendship Assessment total score (high score is less social isolation), median (CI)

20 (18, 24)

20 (16, 22)

− 1 (− 4, 1)

23 (13, 24)

21 (17, 24)

− 1 (− 4, 2)

 CAMS-R total score (high score is more mindfulness), median (CI)

33 (29, 35)

34 (28, 37)

2 (− 1, 5)

34 (21, 38)

37 (30, 40)

4 (− 2, 10)

  1. ACQ-5 Asthma Control Questionnaire-5, BIA bioimpedance analysis, BMI body mass index, CAMS-R Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale – Revised, CI confidence interval, FeNO fractional exhaled nitric oxide, FER forced expiratory ratio, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s, FVC forced vital capacity, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, hs-CRP high sensitivity C-reactive protein, IPAQ International Physical Activity Questionnaire, SGRQ St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire