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Table 2 Clinical parameters of the prospective observational study

From: Exploring red cell distribution width as a biomarker for treatment efficacy in home mechanical ventilation



6 months


Clinical parameters

 BMI (kg/m2)

38.2 (25.5–46.7)

39.9 (28.7–46.6)

p = 0.125

 6MWD (m)

155 (0–276)

265.3 (1–359)

p < 0.001

 ESS (points)

9 (6–14)

3 (2–5.5)

p < 0.001

 SRI-SS (points)

57.2 (49.6–72.1)

68.9 (56.4–84.6)

p < 0.001

Ventilatory parameters

 Daily ventilation (h)

8.3 (7,0–9.7)

7.1 (6–8.5)

p < 0.001

 O2 supplementation (L/min)

1.5 (0–3)

0 (0;2)

p < 0.001

( No/yes)

32/33 (49.2%/50.8%)

36/29 (55.4/44.6%)


 Ti/Tt (s/s)

33.8 (31.3–36.2)

33.9 (31.5–37.1)

p = 0.385

 IPAP (cmH2O)

20.6 (17.7–25.6)

20.0 (17.0–22.9)

p < 0.001

 EPAP (cmH2O)

9.9 (7.9–12.9)

9.9 (7.9–12.9)

p = 0.955

 RR (/min)

15.7 (14.4–17.2)

15.6 (14.3–16.7)

p = 0.726

 VT (mL)

623 (516–728)

625 (517–722)

p = 0.878

 PTB (%)

55.9 (36–79)

60.7 (41.5–78.7)

p = 0.647

Blood gas values


7.41 (7.39–7.44)

7.4 (7.38–7.43)

p = 0.278

 paO2 (mmHg)

68.9 (58.5–83.2)

78.2 (69.8–87.2)

p = 0.002


45 (37.0–52.3)

39.5 (36.4–44.3)

p < 0.001

 HCO3 (mmol/L)

29.1 (24.3–31.4)

25.0 (22.6–27.2)

p < 0.001

Pulmonary function test parameters

 FVC% (%)

59 (41–72)

65 (48–80)

p < 0.001

 FEV1% (%)

50 (32–71)

57 (36–76)

p < 0.001

 FEV1/FVC% (%)

96 (88–108)

97 (84–105)

p = 0.314

 PEF% (%)

48 (31–64)

56 (35–70)

p = 0.009

Laboratory parameters

 RDW (%)

14.7 (13.2–16.2)

13.5 (13.1–14.6)

p < 0.001

 HGB (g/L)

142 (123–155)

142 (130–151)

p = 0.119

 HCT (L/L)

0.43 (0.38–0.47)

0.42 (0.4–0.45)

p = 0.859

 RBC (Tera/L)

4.98 (4.33–5.39)

4.82 (4.37–5.23)

p = 0.925

 MCV (fL)

86.8 (85.1–89.2)

87.3 (85.5–90.3)

p = 0.664

 MCH (pg)

28.6 (27.1–29.9)

29.2 (28.3–30.3)

p < 0.001

 MCHC (g/L)

327 (310–339)

334 (327–340)

p < 0.001

 WBC (Giga/L)

8.0 (6.8–10.5)

8.4 (7.1–9.9)

p = 0.769

 PLT (Giga/L)

257 (211–319)

257 (219–301)

p = 0.354

 MPV (fL)

10.8 (9.9–11.2)

10.8 (10–11.3)

p = 0.070

 CRP (mg/L)

10.0 (4.5–20.3)

6.7 (3.8–11.9)

p = 0.002

  1. Significant differences are marked with bold font
  2. Wilcoxon matched pair test for continuous variables. Significant differences are marked with bold font. For false discovery rate correction Benjamini–Hochberg method was used and all bold shaped p-values remained significant after this correction. Pulmonary function parameters are listed as percentage of expected value based on weight, height and age according to Quanjer 1993
  3. 6MWD six-minute walking distance, BMI body mass index, CRP C-reactive protein, EPAP expiratory positive airway pressure, ESS epworth sleepiness scale, FEV1% forced 1 s expiratory volume percentage, FVC% forced vital capacity percentage, HCO3 bicarbonate, HCT haematocrit, HGB haemoglobin, HMW home mechanical ventilation, IPAP inspiratory positive airway pressure, MCH mean cell haemoglobin, MCHC mean cell haemoglobin concentration, MCV mean cell volume, MPV mean platelet volume, paCO2 partial pressure of carbon-dioxide, paO2 partial pressure of oxygen, PEF% peak expiratory flow percentage, PLT platelet, PTB patient triggered breath percentage, RBC red blood cell, RDW red cell distribution width, RR respiratory rate, SRI-SS severe respiratory insufficiency questionnaire summary score, Ti/Tt inspiratory and expiratory time ratio, VT tidal volume, WBC white blood cell