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Table 3 The effect of desaturation characteristics on QTc intervals in the stroke and control population

From: QTc prolongation is associated with severe desaturations in stroke patients with sleep apnea


Number of desaturations

Desaturation duration (s)

Desaturation depth (%)

Stroke population

1–11 ms

264 (27.1%)

28.2 (19.8–40.0)

3.9 (3.0–7.4)

11–16 ms

82 (8.4%)

40.0 (26.0–49.0)

5.0 (3.4–11.2)

16–20 ms

48 (4.9%)

30.5 (22.5–44.0)

4.1 (3.2–7.2)

 > 20 ms

119 (12.2%)

30.0 (18.1–43.8)

4.7 (3.4–7.3)

Control population

1–11 ms

409 (38.2%)

30.0 (22.0–40.0)

4.6 (3.3–7.2)

11–16 ms

57 (5.3%)

28.0 (18.0–40.5)

4.3 (3.2–7.3)

16–20 ms

37 (3.5%)

34.0 (22.9–42.8)

4.7 (3.9–6.2)

 > 20 ms

43 (4.0%)

34.0 (18.3–43.8)

5.2 (3.7–7.0)

  1. Desaturations are grouped according to the absolute change in the heart rate corrected QT interval (ΔQTc) within desaturations. The median and (interquartile range) of desaturation duration (s) and depth (%) are presented related to each ΔQTc group