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Table 1 Baseline patients’ demographic, clinical and ventilation characteristics, and Severe Respiratory Insufficiency (SRI) questionnaire results (n = 104)

From: Long-term health-related quality of life in patients on home mechanical ventilation

Male, n (%)

59 (56.7)

Age, years

69 [61; 77]

BMIa, Kg/m2

30.5 [25.3;37.3]

Disease, n (%)


51 (49.0)


22 (21.2)


21 (20.2)


7 (6.7)


3 (2.9)

FEV1 (% predicted)b

42.5 [27.8;57.7]

FVC% (% predicted) b

59.1 [46.9;72.5]


7.4 [7.4;7.4]

pO2 mmHg

69.4 [64.5;77.4]

pCO2 mmHg

46 [42.9;49.1]

HCO3 mmol/L

28.3 [26.5;30.3]

Months on HMV

43.5 [22;85.5]

HMV Usage (hours/day)

8 [6; 9]

Baseline SRI questionnaire

  SRI-RC: respiratory complaints

59.4 [43.8;74.2]

  SRI-PF: physical functioning

45.8 [26;66.7]

  SRI-AS: attendant symptoms and sleep

50 [39.3;64.3]

  SRI-SR: social relationships

75 [62.5;91.7]

  SRI-AX: anxiety

40 [25;65]

  SRI-WB: psychological well-being

55.6 [41.7;71]

  SRI-SF: social functioning

56.3 [40.6;75]

  SRI-SS: summary scale

53.3 [44.9;68.2]

  1. Data are presented as median [percentile 25, percentile 75] unless otherwise indicated
  2. Abbreviations: COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, OHS obesity-hypoventilation syndrome, RCWD restrictive chest wall disorders, NMD neuromuscular disorders, BMI body mass index, HMV home mechanical ventilation, FVC forced vital capacity, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in one second, IPAP inspiratory positive airway pressure, EPAP expiratory positive airway pressure
  3. a2 missing
  4. b6 missing