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Table 2 Treatments and lifestyle choices for managing COPD

From: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and exacerbations: Patient insights from the global Hidden Depths of COPD survey


MRC 1 and 2

MRC 3, 4 and 5



Treatments and lifestyle choices for managing COPD, n (%)

 Long-acting bronchodilators

710 (58%)

582 (76%)

 Short-acting bronchodilators

390 (32%)

406 (53%)


494 (40%)

358 (47%)

 Steroids (all types)

267 (22%)

273 (36%)

 Other prescription medication

179 (15%)

168 (22%)

 Natural remedies and/or alternative medicine

232 (19%)

147 (19%)

 Quit smoking

509 (41%)

365 (47%)

 Cutting down on smoking

480 (39%)

286 (37%)

 Breathing exercise

405 (33%)

367 (48%)

 Eating healthier/better diet

445 (36%)

320 (42%)

 Physical exercise

455 (37%)

251 (33%)


119 (10%)

176 (23%)

 Pulmonary rehabilitation

87 (7%)

136 (18%)

Treatments and lifestyle choices used more by patients during COPD symptom worsening, n (%)

 Long-acting bronchodilators

854 (69%)

522 (68%)

 Short-acting bronchodilators

339 (28%)

294 (38%)


228 (19%)

179 (23%)

 Steroids (all types)

202 (16%)

168 (22%)

 Other prescription medication

118 (10%)

85 (11%)

 Natural remedies and/or alternative medicine

187 (15%)

95 (12%)

 Quit smoking

182 (15%)

104 (14%)

 Cutting down on smoking

278 (23%)

150 (20%)

 Breathing exercise

273 (22%)

205 (27%)

 Eating healthier/better diet

203 (16%)

126 (16%)

 Physical exercise

217 (18%)

113 (15%)


170 (14%)

133 (17%)

 Pulmonary rehabilitation

118 (10%)

82 (11%)

  1. MRC=Medical Research Council breathlessness scale; COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.