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Table 3 Characteristics of patients prescribed oxygen

From: Evaluation of oxygen prescription in relation to hospital admission rate in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Age (years)

73.03 (3.13)

Male gender

119 (43.30)

FEV1 (litres)

0.85 (0.56-1.00)

FEV1 (% predicted)

47.18 (8.08)


0.49 (0.05)

Charlson index

3.00 (0.58)

pO2 (kPa) on air

6.60 (6.20-6.73)

pCO2 (kPa) on air

5.89 (0.48)

Days received oxygen

190 (40–1289)

Time to death from oxygen being started (days)

827.63 (165.26)

Time between death and oxygen cessation (days)


Oxygen stopped before death

324.50 (161.00-603.75)

Oxygen stopped after death

8.50 (5.00-17.00)

  1. The table shows the characteristics of those patients that received oxygen. Normally distributed data is shown as mean (SEM) and non-normally distributed data as median (IQR), whilst the single frequency variable is highlighted in bold type and is shown as n (%).