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Table 5 Differences across disease severity for sedentary behavior, physical activity and exercise capacity for patients with bronchiectasis

From: Sedentary behaviour and physical activity in bronchiectasis: a cross-sectional study


Disease severity: Mild BSI score ≤ 4(n = 27)

Disease severity: Moderate/severe BSI score ≥ 5(n = 28)

Sedentary behavior time (mins/day)

632 (64)

635 (88)

Light-lifestyle physical activity time (mins/day)

210 (55)

204 (71)

Total MVPA time (mins/day)

32 (19)

18 (18)a

MVPA10+ time (mins/day)

8 (10)

5 (8)

Activity energy expenditure (kcals/day)

390 (173)

231 (159)b

Daily step counts

6898 (2783)

5137 (2532)c

Total physical activity time (mins/day)

242 (65)

221 (84)

MST (metres)

593 (323)

432 (199)d

  1. Results are Mean (SD).
  2. Note: Disease severity expressed as Bronchiectasis Severity Index score [22].
  3. Abbreviations:kcals/day kilocalories per day, MVPA moderate-vigorous physical activity, MVPA 10+ MVPA accumulated in bouts ≥10 minutes, mins/day minutes per day, MST Modified Shuttle Test.
  4. aDaily Total MVPA: significant difference between groups (p = 0.005).
  5. bDaily Activity Energy Expenditure: significant difference between groups (p = 0.001).
  6. cDaily Step Counts: significant difference between groups (p = 0.017).
  7. dMST: significant difference between groups (p = 0.030).