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Table 1 Number and distribution of patients with ALS by selected characteristics and hospitalizations after the diagnosis of ALS

From: Hospitalizations due to respiratory failure in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and their impact on survival: a population-based cohort study

  1. aChi square test p comparing proportions between patients with bulbar, spinal and unknown site of onset
  2. bExcludes one patient who did not have any hospitalization after the diagnosis of ALS and four patients who died during the hospitalization in which the diagnosis of ALS was made
  3. cAt least one hospitalization after the diagnosis of ALS with discharge code for respiratory failure (ICD-9-CM codes 518.81, 518.82, 518.83, 518.84) in any position
  4. dSubtotal of patients with at least one hospitalization with discharge code for respiratory failure
  5. eSubtotal of patients with at least one hospitalization with discharge code for acute respiratory failure
  6. fDead or alive at the end of follow up, December 31, 2011
  7. gThe denominator of percentages is the total number of deceased patients