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Table 4 The course of community-acquired pneumonia

From: Penicillin treatment for patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Denmark: a retrospective cohort study


Study population

N = 1320

Treatment duration, median days (IQR)

 IV antibiotica

3 (2–6)

 Total antibioticb

10 (8–12)

 Length of stay

5 (3–8)


 Any complication

21% (277)


14% (182)

 Pneumonia associatedc

6% (79)

 Renal failure

1% (15)


1% (12)

 Acute myocardial infarction

3% (34)

ICU admission

9.6% (127)



8% (111)

 30 days

11% (149)

 90 days

15% (203)

 180 days

19% (246)

  1. Data are presented as % (counts), unless otherwise indicated
  2. ICU Intensive care unit, IV Intravenous
  3. All variables have less than 5% missing
  4. aRange: 0–95 days
  5. bRange: 0–97 days
  6. cempyema, including pleural effusion treated as empyema, and lung-abscess