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Retraction Note: Serum bilirubin levels in primary Sjögren’s syndrome: an association with interstitial lung disease

The Original Article was published on 30 September 2023

Retraction Note: BMC Pulmonary Medicine (2023) 23:366

The Editor has retracted this article because, owing to an administration error in the editorial office, it was published before the peer review process had been undertaken. Post-publication peer review has concluded that the use of hospitalized patients rather than outpatients would have introduced confounding factors that may have affected bilirubin levels and their analysis. In addition, the inclusion of all variables in the both the univariate and multivariate analyses is incorrect. Therefore, after careful consideration, the Editor has taken the decision to retract the article given that if these issues had been highlighted by peer review before publication the article would not have been accepted. The Publisher apologises to the authors for the administrative error. The authors agree with this retraction.

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Correspondence to You-Fan Peng.

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Peng, YF., Lu, FY. & Ma, LY. Retraction Note: Serum bilirubin levels in primary Sjögren’s syndrome: an association with interstitial lung disease. BMC Pulm Med 24, 73 (2024).

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