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Table 4 Short-acting β-agonist prescriptions

From: Prescribing patterns of asthma controller therapy for children in UK primary care: a cross-sectional observational study


6 months prior

On index date

12 months after

No. prescriptions, median (range)

1 (1-13)

1 (1-3)

2 (1-26)

Patients with prescriptions, by controller therapy, n (%)

ICS monotherapy (n = 9059)

2805 (31.0)*

6876 (75.9)*

6515 (71.9)*

ICS + LABA (n = 698)

174 (24.9)

497 (71.2)

519 (74.4)

ICS + LTRA (n = 55)

13 (23.6)

44 (80.0)

49 (89.1)

LTRA monotherapy (n = 91)

38 (41.8)

30 (33.0)

69 (75.8)

Other (n = 101)

31 (30.7)

62 (61.4)

82 (81.2)

Total (n = 10,004)

3061 (30.6)

7509 (75.1)

7234 (72.3)

Survey cohort: patients with prescriptions, by asthma severity, n (%)

Intermittent (n = 346)

87 (25.1)*

274 (79.2)

241 (69.7)*

Mild persistent (n = 159)

57 (35.9)

118 (74.2)

129 (81.1)

Moderate persistent (n = 71)

30 (42.3)

52 (73.2)

62 (87.3)

Severe persistent (n = 11)

6 (54.6)

9 (81.8)

9 (81.8)

Missing classification (n = 48)

13 (27.1)

31 (64.6)

36 (75.0)

Total (n = 635)

193 (30.4)

484 (76.2)

477 (75.1)

  1. *P < 0.01 for comparisons among controller therapy groups or asthma severity groups.