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Table 1 Outcome of six minutes walk test

From: Outcome measures of the 6 minute walk test: relationships with physiologic and computed tomography findings in patients with sarcoidosis


Mean (SD)

Initial heart rate, b/m

93.0 (15.6)

Final heart rate, b/m

109.2 (19.2)

Initial Borg score

0.35 (0.7)

Final Borg score

2.4 (2.1)

Initial SpO2, %

95.5 (2.4)

Lowest SpO2, %

91.4 (7.3)

6MWD, m

349.0 (72)

DSP, m%

320.0 (75)

  1. SD: standard deviation; b/m: beats per minute;
  2. SpO2: oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry;
  3. 6MWD: 6-min walk distance; DSP: distance saturation product