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Table 2 Sleep parameters for the entire night and the first three sleep cycles

From: Long-term CPAP treatment partially improves the link between cardiac vagal influence and delta sleep


SAHS patients

SAHS patients

Healthy controls


before CPAP

with CPAP


Parameters for entire night


TIB (min)

470 ± 36

471 ± 44

466 ± 56

SPT (min)

444 ± 56

446 ± 58

444 ± 64

TST (min)

397 ± 48

401 ± 55

414 ± 61

Sleep efficiency (%)

84 ± 8

85 ± 8

87 ± 5

Sleep latency (min)

19 ± 9

23 ± 9

16 ± 10

Amount of nocturnal awakenings

74 ± 56

38 ± 14

38 ± 16

Amount of sleep changes

231 ± 99

167 ± 57

218 ± 81

NREM duration (min)

337 ± 35

309 ± 58

322 ± 47

REM duration (min)

63 ± 28*

89 ± 11

91 ± 24

WASO duration (min)

44 ± 30

48 ± 33

30 ± 18

NREM duration (% SPT)

76 ± 8

69 ± 8

73 ± 3

Deep sleep duration (% SPT)

3 ± 4

4 ± 7

7 ± 6

REM duration (% SPT)

14 ± 6**

20 ± 5

21 ± 4

WASO duration (% SPT)

10 ± 7

10 ± 6

7 ± 4

Parameters for the first three NREM-REM cycles


Sleep cycles duration (min)

331 ± 55

316 ± 60

296 ± 35

NREM duration (min)

253 ± 43

229 ± 55

221 ± 24

Light sleep duration (min)

237 ± 65*

216 ± 58

190 ± 30

Deep sleep duration (min)

16 ± 25

13 ± 20

31 ± 24

REM duration (min)

47 ± 25

63 ± 21

63 ± 19

WASO duration (min)

31 ± 24

25 ± 17

12 ± 6

  1. SAHS, Sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome; CPAP, Continuous positive airway pressure; TIB, Time in bed; SPT, Sleep period time; TST, Total sleep time; NREM, Non rapid eye movement sleep; REM, Rapid eye movement sleep; WASO, Wake after sleep onset; light sleep: sleep stages 1 + 2; deep sleep: sleep stages 3 + 4; min: minutes. Results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. * P < 0,05, ** P < 0,01 vs. healthy controls.
  2. Patients suffering from severe SAHS showed decreased overnight REM duration, expressed in minutes (min) or in percentage of the SPT (% SPT), and increased light sleep duration over the first three NREM-REM cycles, in comparison to healthy controls. All other sleep variables were similar between untreated apneic patients and controls as well as between CPAP treated apneic patients and controls.