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Table 1 Descriptive characteristics of study participants of the German National Health Telephone Interview Survey (GEDA) 2010

From: Major comorbid conditions in asthma and association with asthma-related hospitalizations and emergency department admissions in adults: results from the German national health telephone interview survey (GEDA) 2010


Current asthma population

Total population


(N = 1136)

(N = 22050)

Sex, % (n)



61.1 (737)

51.5 (12483)

Age, in years


 Mean (±SD)

52.1 (±18.2)

49.0 (±17.9)




Age groups, % (n)


 18–29 years

13.4 (171)

16.9 (3831)

 30–44 years

21.5 (276)

25.9 (6096)

 45–64 years

35.3 (440)

32.7 (7980)

 ≥65 years

29.8 (249)

24.4 (4143)

BMI status, % (n)


 <25 kg/m2

39.3 (488)

47.8 (11322)

 25 – <30 kg/m2

36.7 (387)

36.3 (7338)

 ≥30 kg/m2

24.0 (237)

15.8 (2931)

Educational attainment,% (n)



27.1 (126)

22.1 (2082)


55.7 (625)

55.5 (11076)


17.3 (384)

22.3 (8865)

Smoking status, % (n)



29.7 (322)

30.0 (6291)


31.0 (338)

26.6 (5881)


39.3 (476)

43.4 (9873)

  1. Weighted percentage (%), unweighted n may not add up to total N due to unknown or missing responses excluded from the analysis.