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Table 1 Breathing exercise program

From: Comparison between breathing and aerobic exercise on clinical control in patients with moderate-to-severe asthma: protocol of a randomized trial

1st phase





Lying position


Raise right arm, left arm and then both, stretching the intercostal muscles

20 s


Pull right knee, left knee and then both, stretching paraspinal muscles

20 s


Turn hip to the side, keeping your shoulders flat on the mat. One hand holds the knee while lifting up the other arm

20 s

1 each side

Lateral decubitus, one arm supporting the head and other remains draped over the body. Inspiring, rise the arm above the head, eeturning to the starting position, at expiration

1 breath

4 each side

Keep an outstretched arm, while making three deep breaths, return.

20 s

1 each side

Inspire holding knees and pull them toward your chest as you exhale

1 breath


With the body length, holding the head with hands and take them towards the chest

20 s



With your legs extended and stretch the posterior muscles, leading arms outstretched to the feet

20 s


Stretch intercostal muscles and obliques, and raising arm laterally flexing the trunk

20 s

2 each side

Introduction to the breathing exercise with hands on abdomen and the diaphragmatic stimulation with active expiration

1 breath


Kapalabhati - quick expirations generated by vigorous contraction of the rectus abdominis

1 breath

3 series of 30

With your legs extended and stretch the posterior muscles, leading arms outstretched to the feet

20 s


2nd phase





Lying position


Raise right arm, left arm and then both, stretching the intercostal muscles

20 s


Pull right knee, left knee and then both, stretching paraspinal muscles

20 s


Lateral decubitus, one arm supporting the head and other remains draped over the body. Inspiring, rise the arm above the head, returning to the starting position, at expiration

1 breath

4 each side

Keep an outstretched arm, while making three deep breaths, return.

20 s

1 each side

Boat adapted: feet flat, knees bent and hands on his thigh, inhale deeply and take hands toward the knees contracting the abdomen

1 breath


Inspire holding knees and pull them toward your chest as you exhale

1 breath


Preparation Uddhiyana: arms along the body raise the arms in inspiration, expiration returns

1 breath


Preparation Uddhiana: actively inhale and exhale, and apnea raise and lower arms

5 s



With your legs extended and stretch the posterior muscles, leading arms outstretched to the feet

20 s


Preparation Uddhiyana: raise the arms sideways in inspiration and return in expiration

1 breath


Preparation Uddhiana: actively inhale and exhale, and apnea raise and lower arms

5 s


Uddhiyana Bandha: complete expiration followed by inspiratory effort in the presence of apnea

5 s


Uddhiyana Bandha + Kapalabhati

1 breath

3 series of 1 and 45

With your legs extended and stretch the posterior muscles, leading arms outstretched to the feet

20 s


3rd phase





Lying position


Raise right arm, left arm and then both, stretching the intercostal muscles

20 s


Pull right knee, left knee and then both, stretching paraspinal muscles

20 s


Lateral decubitus, one arm supporting the head and other remains draped over the body. Inspiring, rise the arm above the head, returning to the starting position, at expiration

1 breath

4 each side

Keep an outstretched arm, while making three deep breaths, return.

20 s

1 each side

Boat adapted: feet flat, knees bent and hands on his thigh, inhale deeply and take hands toward the knees contracting the abdomen

1 breath


Inspire holding knees and pull them toward your chest as you exhale

1 breath



With your legs extended and stretch the posterior muscles, leading arms outstretched to the feet

20 s


Uddhiyana Bandha + Kapalabhati

5 s and 1 breath

2 series of 1 and 60

Surya bedhana: inhale through the right nostril, take head towards the chest in apnea returns to the starting position and exhale through the left nostril.

5 s

1 each side

Surya bedhana + Kapalabhati

5 s and 1 breath

2 series of 1 and 70

With your legs extended and stretch the posterior muscles, leading arms outstretched to the feet

20 s