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Table 2 Efficacy results in asthma patients at baseline and after treatment with budesonide

From: YKL-40 is correlated with FEV1 and the asthma control test (ACT) in asthmatic patients: influence of treatment


≤400 μg budesonide per day (n=50)

>400 μg budesonide per day (n=31)



Visit 2


Visit 2

FEV1, % predicted

90.8 (0.8)

91.2 (0.6)

71.6 (2.3)*

82.0 (1.8)

ACT score

21.3 (0.7)

22.4 (0.5)

19.1 (0.6)§

22.5 (0.4)

YKL-40, ng/ml

59.1 (54.3-86.6)

47.5 (40.3-55.3)

86.2 (56.4-96.7)*

55.7 (43.8-63.7)

  1. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, except for YKL-40, median (IQR).
  2. p < 0.001 vs. baseline.
  3. §p < 0.001 vs. baseline (≤400 μg budesonide per day).
  4. *p < 0.01 vs. baseline (≤400 μg budesonide per day).