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Table 2 Patients' (n = 3415) attitudes to asthma management (scale: disagree strongly, disagree somewhat, agree somewhat, agree strongly [data for patients who agreed with each statement are presented])

From: Attitudes and actions of asthma patients on regular maintenance therapy: the INSPIRE study

Attitude statement

Agree somewhat n (%)

Agree strongly n (%)

I want to take treatments that provide immediate relief

577 (17)

2498 (73)

I use my medication as and when necessary

530 (16)

2240 (66)

I am confident I know my asthma well enough to intervene early to try and prevent worsening symptoms

829 (24)

2069 (61)

I prefer to adjust my maintenance ICS/combination medication to the changes of my asthma, taking less when feeling well and more when feeling worse

624 (18)

1723 (50)

I am concerned about taking too much medication when I am well

719 (21)

1139 (33)

Despite taking my medication as my doctor tells me to, I still have a fear of having a serious asthma attack

682 (20)

1000 (29)

When I feel well, I believe there is no need to take my medication every day

464 (14)

837 (25)

I would prefer to take a high dose of ICS/combination medication to try to avoid as many symptoms as possible

588 (17)

626 (18)

I am much more likely to try to manage my asthma myself, rather than visit my physician as soon as my symptoms become bothersome

804 (24)

1601 (47)

I am concerned about taking higher doses of medication due to possible side effects

792 (23)

1246 (36)