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Table 1 Sample Balance Training Program*

From: Minimizing the evidence-practice gap – a prospective cohort study incorporating balance training into pulmonary rehabilitation for individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Balance exercise stations

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3


Sit on floor and stand up with chair, lateral leg lifts, heel/toe raises, squats with support.

Sit on floor and stand up without chair, lateral leg lifts with resistance, walking on heels/toes, squats without support.

Sit on floor and stand up holding a medicine ball, side stepping with a resistance, squats with a weight, toe raises on one leg.

Stability limits/verticality

Sitting on a fit ball.

Sitting on a fit ball marching on the spot, sitting on a fit ball and shifting weight from side to side.

Sitting on a fit ball performing leg lifts, sitting on a fit ball whilst throwing and catching a ball.

Anticipatory postural control/transitions

Sit to stand using the chair arms for support, toe taps on a step, arm raises.

Sit to stand without using the chair arms for support, step ups, arm raises with a weight.

Sit to stand with a weight, step ups with a weight, throwing and catching a ball to encourage reaching, step ups and arms raises in combination.

Reactive postural responses

Perturbations in normal stance

Perturbations in narrow stance

Perturbations in tandem stance

Sensory orientation:

Narrow stance eyes closed, tandem stance, normal stance on foam.

Narrow stance on foam with eyes closed, stand on ramp with eyes closed.

Stand on bosu ball, stand on foam whilst throwing and catching a ball.

Postural stability in gait

Walking sideways, walking backwards.

Complete a low level obstacle course.

Complete a high level obstacle course, kick a ball back and forth.

  1. *This program should be refined, adjusted and personalized to the abilities of the individual