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Table 4 Standardized estimates for control variables genotypes and parental smoking exposure on the intercepts and slopes of cue-induced craving and cognitive craving

From: Parental smoke exposure and the development of nicotine craving in adolescent novice smokers: the roles of DRD2, DRD4, and OPRM1 genotypes


Intercept cue-induced craving

Linear slope cue-induced craving

Intercept cognitive craving

Linear slope cognitive craving

Step 1

















 Age of smoking initiation





 Baseline smoking





 DRD2 Taq1A





 DRD4 48 bp VNTR





 OPRM1 A118G





 Parental smoke exposure





 Explained variance (R2)

76 %

21 %

65 %

27 %

Step 2


 DRD2**Parental smoke exposure





 DRD4**Parental smoke exposure





 OPRM1**Parental smoke exposure





  1. Gender: 0 = male and 1 = female, Ethnicity: 0 = Dutch and 1 = Not Dutch
  2. *p = .01, **p < .001