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Table 1 Patients’ baseline and demographic data, stratified by baseline reliever use (<1, 1–2 and >2 occasions/day)

From: Efficacy of budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy compared with higher-dose budesonide as step-up from low-dose inhaled corticosteroid treatment



(All patients) (n = 626)

Fixed-dose BUD

(All patients) (n = 613)

Baseline reliever use subgroup

<1 occasion/day

1–2 occasions/day

>2 occasions/day

BUD/FORM MRT (n = 168)

Fixed-dose BUD (n = 155)

BUD/FORM MRT (n = 257)

Fixed-dose BUD (n = 253)

BUD/FORM MRT (n = 201)

Fixed-dose BUD (n = 205)

Male, n (%)

254 (40.6)

227 (37.0)

71 (42.3)

58 (37.4)

104 (40.5)

100 (39.5)

79 (39.3)

69 (33.7)

Age, year

37.0 (15.9)

38.3 (16.5)

35.6 (15.7)

37.5 (16.0)

36.0 (16.2)

37.7 (17.0)

39.4 (15.5)

39.6 (16.1)

Duration of asthma, yearsa









Dose of inhaled corticosteroid, μg/day BUD eqv

357.8 (70.2)

356.1 (70.8)

339.9 (84.6)

325.4 (88.1)

359.9 (71.0)

367.2 (63.2)

370.1 (51.0)

365.6 (57.4)

Pre-BD FEV1 % predicted

73.6 (10.9)

73.0 (10.7)

74.0 (11.2)

74.0 (11.1)

74.8 (10.6)

73.4 (10.6)

71.7 (10.6)

71.7 (10.5)

Post-BD FEV1 % predicted

88.5 (12.6)

88.0 (12.9)

89.4 (12.9)

89.0 (13.6)

89.5 (11.7)

88.5 (12.4)

86.5 (13.2)

86.8 (12.8)

Baseline pre-BD FEV1, L

2.41 (0.7)

2.35 (0.7)

2.51 (0.7)

2.47 (0.7)

2.46 (0.7)

2.41 (0.8)

2.26 (0.7)

2.19 (0.7)

Baseline FEV1 reversibility, %

14.9 (7.5)

15.0 (7.8)

15.4 (7.0)

15.0 (8.0)

14.7 (7.6)

15.0 (7.9)

14.9 (7.9)

15.1 (7.6)

Current smoker/ex-smoker, n (%)

117 (18.7)

114 (18.6)

26 (15.5)

24 (15.5)

52 (20.2)

47 (18.6)

39 (19.4)

43 (21.0)

  1. Data are given as mean (SD), unless otherwise stated
  2. Patients treated with BUD/FORM MRT comprised 254 patients from the STEAM study, [10] 171 patients from the STEP study, [11] and 201 patients from the STAY study [12]
  3. Patients treated with fixed-dose BUD comprised 255 patients from the STEAM study, [10] 161 patients from the STEP study, [11] and 197 patients from the STAY study [12]
  4. aMedian
  5. BD bronchodilator, BUD budesonide, eqv equivalent, FEV 1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s, FORM formoterol, MRT maintenance and reliever therapy, SD standard deviation