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Table 1 The characteristics of the 68 subjects who responded to the follow-up letter

From: Long-term prognosis of chronic cough: a prospective, observational cohort study

Age, years

59 ± 11

Female sex

51 (75%)

Body mass index at initial assessment, kg/m2

27.6 ± 4.3

Atopic subjects

28 (41%)


27 (40%)

Current smokers

1 (2%)

Passive smoking

6 (9%)

Pet ownership

24 (35%)

Home damaged by dampness

8 (12%)

Duration of cough at initial assessment, years

6.0 ± 6.3

Presence of an autoimmune disease

17 (25%)

 with hypothyroidism


Presence of chronic rhinitis

32 (47%)

 with nasal corticosteroids


 with antihistamines


Presence of doctor’s diagnosis of asthma

34 (50%)

 with inhaled corticosteroids


Presence of esophageal reflux disease

17 (25%)

 with proton pump inhibitors


Responsiveness to histamine airway challenge at initial assessment, RDR, %/mg a

10 ± 5

Responsiveness to hypertonic saline cough provocation test at initial assessment, CDR, coughs/Osm/kg a

4.7 ± 7.1

Mean daily mean peak flow variation at initial assessment, percent

6.1 ± 4.3

FEV1 at initial assessment, percent of predicted b

96 ± 14

Improvement in FEV1 after salbutamol at initial assessment, percent

4.3 ± 4.7

Exhaled nitric oxide concentration at initial assessment, ppm

21 ± 19

  1. Data is expressed as means ± SDs or as percentages. aGeometric means and SDs. bThe predicted values are from reference [24]. FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in one second, RDR = Response-to-dose ratio; CDR = coughs-to-dose ratio