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Table 4 The ten most frequently reported TB-related symptoms in the matched analysis sample of HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients. The number presented is the number of times a symptom was reported, and patients could not report a symptom more than once at a visit. Symptom count taken from all scheduled visits in the REMoxTB database for these patients, and unscheduled visits have been excluded. Percentages based on the total number of symptoms reported by these patients over the course of the trial. Percentage of all symptoms reported at scheduled visits accounted for by row, according to HIV status, is shown in brackets

From: Toxicity related to standard TB therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis and treatment outcomes in the REMoxTB study according to HIV status

TB Symptom

Frequency of Reported Symptoms

HIV-Positive (% of symptoms)

HIV-Negative (% of symptoms)


104 (18%)

555 (19%)

Chest pains

84 (16%)

420 (15%)

Shortness of Breath

76 (13%)

331 (12%)


73 (13%)

350 (12%)

Night Sweats

76 (13%)

351 (12%)

Weight Loss

63 (11%)

294 (10%)


36 (6%)

137 (5%)

Respiratory Abnormalities

13 (2%)

101 (4%)

Loss of Appetite

8 (1%)

82 (3%)


10 (2%)

62 (2%)


21 (4%)

2692 (6%)