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Table 2 Baseline demographics and patient characteristics

From: Home mechanical ventilation: quality of life patterns after six months of treatment


mean (SD) or n (%)


66 (100%)



20 (30.3%)


46 (69.7%)

Age (years)

51.5 (±18.1)

Initiation of ventilation


40 (60.6%)


24 (39.4%)



14 (21.2%)


52 (78.8%)

O2 supplementation need


33 (50%)


33 (50%)

 O2 flow (L/min)

1.8 (±2.8)

Daily ventilation need (hours)

12.6 (±6.5)

Ventilator settings

 Target volume (mL)

541 (±129)

 Inspiratory pressure (cmH2O)

22.2 (±4.8)

 Exspiratory pressure (cmH2O)

8.3 (±3.6)

 Frequency (/min)

15.9 (±3.6)

Initial diagnosis

 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

9 (13.6%)

 Restrictive chest wall disease

5 (7.6%)

 Obesity hypoventilation syndrome

20 (30.3%)

 Non progressive neuromuscular disease

19 (28.8%)

 Progressive neuromuscular disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)

13 (19.7%)

Lung function


47.2 (±22.2)


38.7 (±21.3)


86.0 (±21.8)


36.5 (±20.6)

Arterial blood gas

 paO2 (mmHg)

69.7 (±14.2)

 paCO2 (mmHg)

49.7 (±17.5)

 HCO3 (mmol/L)

28 (±5.2)

  1. Data are presented as mean (SD) for continuous and as percentages (n) for categorical variables. Lung function parameters are presented as percentage of expected value
  2. FVC forced vital capacity, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s, PEF peak expiratory flow