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Table 3 Adherence to inhalers of COPD patients and overall type of non-compliance

From: Adherence to inhalers and comorbidities in COPD patients. A cross-sectional primary care study from Greece


N (%)

TAI-10 itemsa

 Good adherence

43 (18.9)

 Intermediate adherence

16 (7.0)

 Poor adherence

169 (74.1)

TAI-12 itemsb

 Sporadic non-compliance

183 (79.9)

 Deliberate non-compliance

169 (69.5)

 Unconscious non-compliance

99 (41.8)

  1. amean (sd) TAI-10 score: 37.8 (7.9)
  2. The 10-item TAI identifies the following levels of adherence [35]: Good adherence: compliant patient. Intermediate adherence: moderately compliant patient. Poor adherence: non-compliant patient. The definitions for the types of non-compliance that the 12-item TAI identifies are the following [35]: Sporadic non-compliance: patient who forgets to take their medication. Deliberate non-compliance: patient who does not take their medication because they do not want to. Unconscious non-compliance: patient who does not take their medication properly because they do not know the therapeutic regimen and how to use their inhaler device
  3. ba single patient may have more than one type or pattern of non-compliance and a patient with good adherence may be an unconscious non-complier; TAI: Test of Adherence to Inhalers