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Table 3 Multiple regression analysis of PLC on the mortality risk of COVID-19

From: Association between peripheral lymphocyte count and the mortality risk of COVID-19 inpatients



OR (95% CI) p-value

Model Ia

OR (95% CI) p-value

Model IIb

OR (95% CI) p-value

 > 0.95 × 109/L




 < 0.95 × 109/L

6.66 (2.10, 21.11) < 0.01

5.33 (1.63, 17.47) < 0.01

7.27 (1.10, 48.25) < 0.05

  1. aAdjust strategy-I adjusted for: gender and age
  2. bAdjust strategy-II adjusted for: gender, age, smoking, diabetes mellitus, heart rate at admission, serum albumin, CK, CK-MB, uric acid, PT, and D-dimer
  3. PLC peripheral lymphocyte count, COVID-19 coronavirus disease 2019, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, CK creatine kinase, CK-MB creatine kinase isoenzymes, PT prothrombin time