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Fig. 4 | BMC Pulmonary Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Model difference in the effect of cilostazol on the development of experimental pulmonary hypertension in rats

Fig. 4

Dosage of CLZ calculated based on food intake. A, Rats injected with monocrotaline (MCT). Each plot is the average dosage per kg per day (from day 0 to day 5) or per 2 days (from day 7 to day 21) for a rat. For example, the plot of day 0 is the dosage a rat had consumed for 24 h from day -1 to day 0, and the plot of day 21 is the dosage a rat had consumed for 48 h from day 19 to day 21. Sal21/CLZ +, rats injected with saline and fed rat chow with CLZ; MCT21/CLZ +, rats injected with MCT and fed rat chow with CLZ. B, Rats exposed to chronic hypoxia (CH). Each plot is the average dosage per kg per day. For example, the plot of day 0 is the dosage a rat had consumed for 24 h from day -1 to day 0, and the plot of day 14 is the dosage a rat had consumed for 24 h from day 13 to day 14. Air/CLZ +, rats exposed to ambient air and fed rat chow with CLZ; CH/CLZ +, rats exposed to chronic hypoxia and fed rat chow with CLZ

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