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Table 1 Baseline characteristics and ATS/ALAS/JRS diagnostic findings and diagnostic confidence (N = 148)

From: Bronchoalveolar lavage lymphocytosis in hypersensitivity pneumonitis: a retrospective cohort analysis with elimination of incorporation bias


Fibrotic (N = 88)

Non–fibrotic (N = 60)

P value

Age at dx, years (mean SD (range))

65 (11.6)

60 (13.9)

 < 0.0001

Sex, M (%)/F (%)

45 (51)

24 (40)


Ever smoking history, N (%)

31 (35)

25 (41)


TLC%, median (IQR 25–75) (N = 105)

69 (60–81)

81 (71–98)

 < 0.0001

FVC%, median (IQR 25–75) (N = 130)

61 (52–76)

76 (66–84)


DLCO%, median (IQR 25–75) (N = 118)

45 (37–52)

58 (48–72)

 < 0.0001

Initial treatment, N (%)



 Steroid-sparing agent


66 (75)

8 (9)

14 (16)

50 (83)

1 (2)

8 (13)


Short-term clinical course (6–12 months), N (%)






70 (80)

8 (9)

10 (11)

48 (80)

4 (7)

8 (13)


All-cause mortality, N (%)

40 (45)

8 (13)

 < 0.0001

Exposure hx, N (%)







 Documented unknown

23 (26)

15 (17)

8 (9)

4 (5)

38 (43)

8 (30)

15 (25)

9 (15)

4 (7)

14 (23)


Precipitin testing, N (%)



 Positive avian

 Positive mold/bacterial

 Positive multiple


 Not obtained

22 (25)

6 (7)

6 (7)

42 (48)

12 (14)

9 (15)

3 (5)

3 (5)

31 (52)

14 (23)


Individual radiologic* findings


GGO, N (%)

69 (78)

50 (83)

Mosaic attenuation, N (%)

58 (65)

36 (60)

Centrilobular nodules, N (%)

15 (17)

18 (30)

Reticulation/traction bronchiectasis, N (%)

82 (96)

Honeycombing, N (%)

15 (17)

Overall CT pattern for HP, ** N (%)






52 (59)

22 (25)

14 (16)

32 (53)

10 (17)

18 (30)


Histopathology findings**, (N = 133)

(N = 72)

(N = 58)


Consistent, N (%)

Probable, N (%)

Indeterminate, N (%)

42 (51)

23 (32)

10 (14)

40 (69)

15 (26)

3 (5)


Overall ATS/JRS/ALAT Diagnostic Confidence Level**



 Moderate, N (%)

 High, N (%)

 Definite, N (%)

55 (62)

21 (24)

12 (14)

35 (58)

15 (25)

15 (17)

  1. *Comparison not made given distinguishing radiologic findings between fibrotic and non-fibrotic subgroups
  2. **Statistical comparison of frequencies or distribution of findings for each subtype, not the findings themselves (as they differ by subtype accordingly)