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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the IPF patients (n = 67)

From: Bacterial and viral coinfection in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients: the prevalence and possible role in disease progression



Age (year)*

62.8 ± 12.44


75.3 ± 4.37


70.9 ± 4.30


70.5 ± 3.96




40 (59.7)


27 (40.3)

Disease status+


 Acute exacerbation

55 (82.1)

 (AE-IPF) stable

12 (17.9)

Immunosuppression drugs+


 Pred 5 mg

2 (3)

 Pred 10 mg

5 (7.5)

 Pred 20 mg

2 (3)

 CyA 125 mg

2 (3)


8 (11.9)

Surgical lung biopsy+



63 (94)


4 (6)

History of fibrosis in family+



55 (82.1)


12 (17.9)

Bacterial infection No. 7 (10.4%)


 P. aeruginosa+

17 (27)

 S. pneumonia+

17 (27)

 S. aureus+

16 (25.4)

 K. pneumoniae+

16 (25.4)

 H. influenzae+

29 (46)

Viral infection No. 12 (17.9%)



12 (19)


12 (19)


10 (15.9)


25 (39.7)


15 (23.8)


9 (14.3)

Co-infection+ No. 40 (59.7%)





49 (73.1)


18 (26.9)

  1. Ref. considered as the reference level for each categorical variable, NA not available, forced vital capacity, FVC forced expiratory volume 1, FEV1,diffusing capacity of lung for carbon monoxide: DLC0
  2. *Indicated as mean ± standard deviation
  3. +Indicated as “n” (%)