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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of 219 patients with pulmonary nodules undergoing 135 hookwire and 151 methylene blue localizing procedures

From: Comparative study of the effect of preoperative hookwire and methylene blue localization techniques on post-operative hospital stay and complications in thoracoscopic pulmonary nodule surgery


Hookwire technique

107 patients (48.86%)

Methylene blue technique

112 patients (51.14%)

p value

N (%)

N (%)

Age (years)#

54 (10.86)

54.46 (11.06)






43 (40.19%)

41 (36.6%)



64 (59.81%)

71 (63.4%)


Patient position


< 0.0001*


39 (36.45%)

15 (11.36%)



30 (28.04%)

29 (21.97%)


 Right lying

21 (19.63%)

32 (24.24%)


 Left lying

17 (15.88%)

56 (42.43%)


Nodule location



 Right upper lobe

51 (37.78%)

49 (32.45%)


 Right middle lobe

6 (4.44%)

13 (8.61%)


 Right lower lobe

23 (17.04%)

35 (23.18%)


 Left upper lobe

34 (25.19%)

35 (23.18%)


 Left lower lobe

44 (8.32%)

19 (12.58%)


Nodule count




83 (77.57%)

81 (72.32%)



20 (18.69%)

23 (20.54%)



4 (3.74%)

8 (7.14%)






115 (85.19%)

140 (92.72%)



13 (9.63%)

11 (7.28%)



7 (5.18%)

0 (0%)


Nodule diameter (mm)#

8 (4)

9 (6)


Distance between nodule and pleural surface (mm)#

9 (11)

10 (12)


Localization time (min)#

8 (3)

7 (3)


Localization-operation interval (hours)#

17 (3.5)

17 (6)


Duration of surgery (min)#

114 (92)

95 (61.5)


Hospitalization time (days)#

6 (3)

5 (2)

< 0.0001*

  1. N number, % percentage, IQR Interquartile range, mm millimeter, min minutes
  2. #For continuous variables, summary statistics have been calculated in the form of either the mean and standard deviation for normally distributed variables (such as age), or the median and interquartile ranges for non-normally distributed variables (such as nodular diameter, nodular distance from the pleura, localization time, localization-operation interval, duration of surgery, and hospitalization time
  3. For categorical variables (such as gender, patient position, nodule location, nodule number, and complications), the summary statistics were calculated in the form of the frequency and percentage of the total observations, whether these were patients or localization procedures
  4. *Statistically significant