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Table 1 Semi-structured interview guide

From: A qualitative exploration of people living with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis experience of a virtual pulmonary rehabilitation programme

1. How do you feel the pulmonary rehabilitation programme has affected your health? (prompts: physical health, mental health, notice any differences between before you started the programme and now)

2. What impact has COVID-19 had on your life?

3. Do you think you have a good understanding of the benefits of exercise/physical activity for someone with your condition?

4. How satisfied were you with the pulmonary rehabilitation programme? (prompts: duration, tailored to your needs, timing, frequency, technology)

5. What suggestions if any, would you give to improve the pulmonary rehabilitation programme?

6. How easy did you find it to adhere to pulmonary rehabilitation?

7. How confident are you that you could continue to exercise or do physical activity on your own now that the programme has finished? (prompts: what is helping you, what are your challenges, probe reasons for level of confidence)

8. Would you recommend this pulmonary rehabilitation programme to anyone else who has IPF?

9. Is there anything else that you would like to add regarding your experiences of taking part in the study?