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Fig. 1 | BMC Pulmonary Medicine

Fig. 1

From: Health-related quality of life decreases in young people with asthma during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood: a birth cohort study

Fig. 1

Distribution of EuroQol visual analogue scale scores at the 16- and 24-year follow-ups in relation to asthma, uncontrolled asthma, and asthma and not fulfilling physical activity recommendations (ntot = 2268)

aAsthma was defined as fulfilling at least 2 of 3 criteria: symptoms of wheeze and/or breathing difficulties in the preceding 12 months, ever doctor’s diagnosis of asthma and/or use of asthma medication occasionally or regularly in the preceding 12 months

bUncontrolled asthma defined as at least 3 of 4 symptoms: at least 4 episodes of wheeze, any night-time awakening, activity

limitation and use of a symptom reliever at least 2 times/week in the preceding 12 months

cSelf-reported amount of physical activity in the preceding 12 months. Categorised as fulfilling the WHO recommendations, where adolescents should do ≥ 60 min/day of moderate activity to vigorous activity or ≥ 30 min/day of vigorous activity. Adults from 18 years should do ≥ 150 min/week of moderate to vigorous activity or ≥ 75 min/week of vigorous activity

dp values indicated differences between the 16- and 24-year follow-ups, respectively, and asthma, asthma control and asthma and physical activity regarding median EuroQol visual analogue scale scores obtained using quantile regression. Adjusted for sex, family history of allergic disease and socio-economic status

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