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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for study enrolment

From: UMOYA: a prospective longitudinal cohort study to evaluate novel diagnostic tools and to assess long-term impact on lung health in South African children with presumptive pulmonary TB—a study protocol

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Children 0–13 years, > 2.5 kg, living with or without HIV

Extra-thoracic TB only

TB treatment for > 2 days in previous 2 weeks

Alternative diagnosis at baseline

Severe illness resulting in unstable clinical condition

Written informed consent from the parent or legal guardian

Informed consent not obtained

Contra-indication to sampling procedures

Discharge before baseline sampling completed

Unstable social circumstances

Residence in remote areas

Presumed pulmonary TB, inpatient or outpatient, identified in hospital with ≥ 1 of:

1. Persistent unremitting cough or wheezing of > 2 weeks, unresponsive to a course of antibiotics

2. Poor growth over the preceding 3 months

3. Persistent unexplained lethargy or reduced playfulness/activity > 2 weeks

4. Persistent unexplained fever > 1 week

5. Neonatal pneumonia, hepatosplenomegaly, or sepsis-like illness, unexplained and unresponsive to appropriate treatment

6. Any duration of cough, wheeze or acute pneumonia with ≥ 1:

a. Close infectious TB contact OR

b. Reactive tuberculin skin test OR

c. Chest radiograph suggestive of TB

7. Recurrent (≥ 1 episode per month) respiratory symptoms

  1. HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus; TB: Tuberculosis