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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of 11,566 sepsis patients in the training set

From: A prediction model for predicting the risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome in sepsis patients: a retrospective cohort study


Total (n = 11,566)

Non-ARDS group (n = 9144)

ARDS group (n = 2422)



Age, years, Mean ± SD

65.45 ± 15.61

66.09 ± 15.53

63.00 ± 15.65

t = 8.69

 < 0.001

Gender, n (%)


χ2 = 0.115



4607 (39.83)

3635 (39.75)

972 (40.13)



6959 (60.17)

5509 (60.25)

1450 (59.87)


BMI, kg/m2, n (%)


χ2 = 78.013

 < 0.001

 < 18.5

334 (2.89)

253 (2.77)

81 (3.34)


 ≥ 18.5 and < 25

3322 (28.72)

2733 (29.89)

589 (24.32)


 ≥ 25 and < 30

3749 (32.41)

3044 (33.29)

705 (29.11)


 ≥ 30

4161 (35.98)

3114 (34.06)

1047 (43.23)


Ethnicity, n (%)


χ2 = 32.109

 < 0.001


896 (7.75)

676 (7.39)

220 (9.08)



2831 (24.48)

2155 (23.57)

676 (27.91)



7839 (67.78)

6313 (69.04)

1526 (63.01)


Marital status, n (%)


χ2 = 33.155

 < 0.001


5448 (47.10)

4418 (48.32)

1030 (42.53)



3227 (27.90)

2536 (27.73)

691 (28.53)



2891 (25.00)

2190 (23.95)

701 (28.94)


Insurance, n (%)


χ2 = 16.907

 < 0.001


789 (6.82)

579 (6.33)

210 (8.67)



5238 (45.29)

4149 (45.37)

1089 (44.96)



5539 (47.89)

4416 (48.29)

1123 (46.37)


Admission type, n (%)


χ2 = 223.075

 < 0.001


739 (6.39)

692 (7.57)

47 (1.94)



5588 (48.31)

4223 (46.18)

1365 (56.36)



2491 (21.54)

2141 (23.41)

350 (14.45)



2748 (23.76)

2088 (22.83)

660 (27.25)


SBP, mmHg, M (Q1, Q3)

118.00 (104.00, 135.00)

118.00 (104.00, 135.00)

119.00 (103.00, 137.00)

Z = 0.658


DBP, mmHg, M (Q1, Q3)

64.00 (54.00, 76.00)

63.00 (54.00, 75.00)

66.00 (55.00, 79.00)

Z = 5.887

 < 0.001

Temperature, ℃, Mean ± SD

36.63 ± 0.95

36.60 ± 0.92

36.74 ± 1.06

t = − 6.13

 < 0.001

Heart rate, times/min, Mean ± SD

89.37 ± 20.02

87.83 ± 19.18

95.20 ± 21.98

t = − 15.07

 < 0.001

Respiratory rate, times/min, M (Q1, Q3)

18.00 (15.00, 22.00)

17.00 (14.00, 22.00)

21.00 (17.00, 25.00)

Z = 23.702

 < 0.001

Urine output, mL, M (Q1, Q3)

2990.00 (1885.00, 4400.00)

2810.00 (1835.00, 4020.00)

4110.00 (2335.00, 5590.00)

Z = 21.158

 < 0.001

PCO2, mmHg, Mean ± SD

41.00 (36.00, 46.00)

40.00 (36.00, 46.00)

42.00 (35.00, 50.00)

Z = 6.887

 < 0.001

FiO2, mmHg, M (Q1, Q3)

100.00 (50.00, 100.00)

100.00 (50.00, 100.00)

80.00 (50.00, 100.00)

Z = − 2.278


HCO3−, Mean ± SD

22.52 ± 4.67

22.64 ± 4.37

22.09 ± 5.64

t = 4.41

 < 0.001

Hemoglobin, g/dL, Mean ± SD

11.38 ± 2.28

11.46 ± 2.24

11.09 ± 2.40

t = 6.81

 < 0.001

PLT, K/L, M (Q1, Q3)

189.00 (135.00, 252.00)

188.00 (137.00, 250.00)

191.00 (129.00, 259.00)

Z = − 0.126


WBC, K/L, M (Q1, Q3)

10.60 (7.40, 15.10)

10.40 (7.30, 14.70)

11.50 (7.80, 16.80)

Z = 7.740

 < 0.001

Creatinine, mg/dL, M (Q1, Q3)

1.00 (0.80, 1.50)

1.00 (0.80, 1.40)

1.10 (0.80, 1.80)

Z = 9.149

 < 0.001

BUN, mg/dL, M (Q1, Q3)

20.00 (14.00, 32.00)

19.00 (14.00, 30.00)

23.00 (15.00, 39.00)

Z = 9.392

 < 0.001

Glucose, mg/dL, M (Q1, Q3)

123.00 (101.00, 162.00)

120.00 (100.00, 158.00)

132.00 (105.00, 176.00)

Z = 9.068

 < 0.001

SOFA, M (Q1, Q3)

39.00 (31.00,49.00)

37.00 (30.00,47.00)

44.00 (35.00,55.00)

Z = 19.036

 < 0.001

SAPS II, M (Q1, Q3)

2.00 (0.00,4.00)

2.00 (0.00,4.00)

2.00 (0.00,4.00)

Z = 3.294

 < 0.001

Vasopressin, n (%)


χ2 = 687.639

 < 0.001


9989 (86.37)

8291 (90.67)

1698 (70.11)



1577 (13.63)

853 (9.33)

724 (29.89)


CRRT, n (%)


χ2 = 638.980

 < 0.001


10,682 (92.36)

8739 (95.57)

1943 (80.22)



884 (7.64)

405 (4.43)

479 (19.78)


Ventilation status, n (%)


χ2 = 675.707

 < 0.001

 High flow

557 (4.82)

532 (5.82)

25 (1.03)


 Invasive vent

114 (0.99)

73 (0.80)

41 (1.69)


 Non-invasive vent

2115 (18.29)

1258 (13.76)

857 (35.38)



73 (0.63)

61 (0.67)

12 (0.50)



8707 (75.28)

7220 (78.96)

1487 (61.40)


RBC-transfusion, n (%)


χ2 = 229.181

 < 0.001


6855 (59.27)

5745 (62.83)

1110 (45.83)



4711 (40.73)

3399 (37.17)

1312 (54.17)


PLT-transfusion, n (%)


χ2 = 91.898

 < 0.001


9860 (85.25)

7944 (86.88)

1916 (79.11)



1706 (14.75)

1200 (13.12)

506 (20.89)


Frozen plasma, n (%)


χ2 = 235.718

 < .001


10,069 (87.06)

8186 (89.52)

1883 (77.75)



1497 (12.94)

958 (10.48)

539 (22.25)


Diabetes, n (%)


χ2 = 0.543



7965 (68.87)

6312 (69.03)

1653 (68.25)



3601 (31.13)

2832 (30.97)

769 (31.75)


Chronic pulmonary disease, n (%)


χ2 = 57.827

 < 0.001


8464 (73.18)

6839 (74.79)

1625 (67.09)



3102 (26.82)

2305 (25.21)

797 (32.91)


Renal disease, n (%)


χ2 = 2.407



9115 (78.81)

7234 (79.11)

1881 (77.66)



2451 (21.19)

1910 (20.89)

541 (22.34)


Malignant cancer, n (%)


χ2 = 11.189

 < 0.001


10,179 (88.01)

8095 (88.53)

2084 (86.04)



1387 (11.99)

1049 (11.47)

338 (13.96)


Liver disease, n (%)


χ2 = 179.186

 < 0.001


9829 (84.98)

7980 (87.27)

1849 (76.34)



1737 (15.02)

1164 (12.73)

573 (23.66)


Myocardial infarct, n (%)


χ2 = 0.349



9282 (80.25)

7328 (80.14)

1954 (80.68)



2284 (19.75)

1816 (19.86)

468 (19.32)


Leukemia, n (%)


χ2 = 3.859



11,379 (98.38)

9007 (98.50)

2372 (97.94)



187 (1.62)

137 (1.50)

50 (2.06)


Septic shock, n (%)


χ2 = 109.800

 < 0.001


10,922 (94.43)

8740 (95.58)

2182 (90.09)



644 (5.57)

404 (4.42)

240 (9.91)


Pancreatitis, n (%)


χ2 = 120.732

 < 0.001


11,311 (97.80)

9013 (98.57)

2298 (94.88)



255 (2.20)

131 (1.43)

124 (5.12)

  1. BMI Body mass index; SBP Systolic blood pressure; DBP Diastolic blood pressure; SPO2 Pulse oxygen saturation; PCO2 Partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PO2 Oxygen partial pressure; FiO2 Fraction of inspired oxygen; HCO3 Bicarbonate; PLT Platelet; WBC White blood cell; BUN Blood urea nitrogen; SOFA Sequential organ failure assessment; SAPS II Simplified acute physiology score II; CRRT Continuous renal replacement therapy; RBC Red blood cell; PLT Platelets; ARDS Acute respiratory distress syndrome