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Table 1 The questionnaire used in this study

From: A prospective study of extraesophageal reflux and potential microaspiration in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Jordan

We would like you to respond to the following questions. The questionnaire is meant to be anonymous. The questionnaire will not be linked to your name.

1. What is your age?


2. What is your gender?

Maleâ–¡_________ Femaleâ–¡_

3. What is your current weight?


4. What is your height?


Are you smoker

Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_

Are you alcoholic

Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_

Do you complain any of the following diseases?


Coronary artery disease

Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_

Congestive heart failure

Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_

Cardiac arrhythmia

Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_


Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_


Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_


Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_

Cerebrovascular accident

Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_

Pulmonary disorders

Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_

Chronic renal insufficiency

Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_

Thyroid disorders

Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_

Irritable bowel syndrome

Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_

Inflammatory bowel disease

Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_

Other GI disorders

Yesâ–¡_________ Noâ–¡_

Within the last month, how did the following problems affect you? 0 = No problem, 5 = Severe problem








1. Hoarseness or a problem with your voice


2. Clearing your throat


3. Excess throat mucus or postnasal drip


4. Difficulty swallowing food, liquid, or pills


5. Coughing after you ate or after lying down


6. Breathing difficulties or choking episodes


7. Troublesome or annoying cough


8. Sensation of something sticking in your throat or a lump in your throat


9. Heartburn, chest pain, indigestion, or stomach acid coming up


Total (RSI > 13 = Abnormal )
