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Table 1 The baseline characteristics of patients who underwent baseline and follow-up sleep study

From: Progression of obstructive sleep apnoea after renal denervation is not associated with hypertension exaggeration


Total (n = 28)

median (min; max)

With SDB (n = 16)

Without SDB (n = 12)


Age, years

54.5 (27; 69)

56.5 (46; 69)

47 (27; 64)

p = 0.057

Sex (male), n (%)

15 (54%)

9 (56%)

6 (50%)

χ2 = 0.32, p = 0.57

Hypertension duration, years

16.5 (4; 36)

18 (4; 33)

18 (6; 35)

p = 0.76

Number of antihypertensive drugs

4 (2; 7)

4.5 (3; 7)

4 (2; 5)

p = 0.049

BMI, kg/m2

30.0 (24.2; 44.2)

30.2 (24.2; 44.2)

30.0 (26.4; 33.6)

p = 0.76

Obesity, n (%)

15 (54%)

9 (56%)

6 (50%)

χ2 = 0.26, p = 0.61

Type 2 diabetes mellitus, n (%)

7 (25%)

5 (31%)

2 (17%)

χ2 = 0.23, p = 0.63

Dyslipidemia, n (%)

22 (79%)

14 (88%)

8 (67%)

χ2 = 3.22, p = 0.073

Smoking, n (%)

9 (32%)

5 (31%)

4 (33%)

χ2 = 0.44, p = 0.51

Chronic kidney disease, n (%)

12 (43%)

8 (50%)

4 (33%)

χ2 = 1.85, p = 0.17

Contrast agent,

75 (30; 200)

88 (30; 200)

65 (50; 200)

p = 0.85

Operation duration, min

95 (40; 240)

90 (40; 130)

100 (45; 145)

p = 0.36

Radiofrequency bursts, number

12 (6; 40)

12 (6; 40)

12 (9; 20)

p = 1.00

Hospitalization duration, bed-days

4 (3; 6)

4 (3; 6)

4 (3; 6)

p = 0.93

Office heart rate, bpm

71 (56; 98)

67 (56; 98)

75 (58; 88)

p = 0.96

Office SBP, mmHg

165 (125; 221)

169 (125; 221)

160 (140; 178)

p = 0.23

Office DBP, mmHg

100 (71; 138)

100 (71; 138)

100 (82; 116)

p = 0.49

Office pulse BP, mmHg

65 (50; 117)

68 (50; 117)

60 (51; 75)

p = 0.68

Mean 24 h SBP, mmHg

153 (104; 192)

146 (104; 192)

160 (127; 192)

p = 0.45

Mean 24 h DBP, mmHg

89 (62; 125)

79 (62; 125)

94 (69; 115)

p = 0.78

Mean daytime SBP, mmHg

157 (109; 202)

153 (109; 196)

163 (138; 202)

p = 0.49

Mean daytime DBP, mmHg

92 (67; 131)

88 (67; 131)

95 (76; 124)

p = 0.68

Mean nighttime SBP, mmHg

140 (99; 203)

135 (99; 203)

147 (109; 159)

p = 0.73

Mean nighttime DBP, mmHg

79 (54; 114)

71 (54; 114)

87 (55; 95)

p = 0.91

Non-dipping 24-h SBP profile, n (%)

11 (39%)

9 (56%)

2 (17%)

χ2 = 1.89, p = 0.17

Daytime BP load, %

81 (0; 100)

62 (0; 100)

94 (14; 100)

p = 0.30

Nighttime BP load, %

86 (0: 100)

69 (0; 100)

93 (13; 100)

p = 0.56

Creatinine, mcmol/l

74 (50; 192)

73.5 (56; 135)

75 (50; 95)

p = 0.93

Creatinine postoperative, mcmol/l

77 (47; 102)

76.5 (47; 102)

73 (48; 90)

p = 0.30

eGFR, ml/min/1.73 m2

89 (33; 114)

89.5 (53; 109)

94 (58; 114)

p = 0.64

Glucose, mmol/l

5.7 (4.6; 8.4)

5.6 (4.60; 8.40)

5.7 (5.00; 6.50)

p = 0.80

Total cholesterol, mmol/l

5.2 (3.9; 7.2)

5.2 (3.90; 7.10)

5.4 (4.2; 6.8)

p = 0.54

LDL-cholesterol, mmol/l

3.3 (1.2; 4.5)

3.3 (1.2; 4.5)

3.64 (3.2; 4.1)

p = 1.00

ESS, score

6 (3; 10)

5.5 (3; 7)

6 (3; 10)

p = 0.11

  1. BMI – body mass index, BP – blood pressure, SBP – systolic blood pressure, DBP – diastolic blood pressure, ESS – Epworth sleepiness scale, eGFR – estimated glomerular filtration rate, LDL – low-density lipoprotein