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Table 3 Subgroup analyses for the primary endpoint mortality

From: Adjunct prednisone in community-acquired pneumonia: 180-day outcome of a multicentre, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial

Subgroup variables

Placebo (n = 366)

Prednisone (n = 361)

Cox regression, HR (95%CI)

p for heterogeneity (interaction)b

Median age


 Age ≤ 73 years

8/192 (4.2%)

6/177 (3.4%)

0.97 (0.33–2.90)


 Age > 73 years

17/174 (9.8%)

29/184 (15.8%)

1.36 (0.74–2.51)


Initial median CRP


 CRP ≤ 158 mg/L

14/181 (7.7%)

19/180 (10.6%)

1.37 (0.67–2.78)


 CRP > 158 mg/L

11/182 (6.0%)

15/179 (8.4%)

1.10 (0.49–2.46)


History of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease



21/312 (6.7%)

25/291 (8.6%)

1.26 (0.70–2.27)



4/54 (7%)

10/70 (14%)

1.51 (0.45–5.12)


Pneumonia severity indexa


 PSI class I-III

4/193 (2.1%)

6/174 (3.4%)

1.77 (0.50–6.29)


 PSI class IV-V

21/173 (12.1%)

29/187 (15.5%)

1.14 (0.65–2.03)


Blood culture positivity


 Blood culture negative

22/321 (6.9%)

30/324 (9.3%)

1.12 (0.64–1.97)


 Blood culture positive

3/45 (7%)

5/37 (14%)

1.17 (0.24–5.64)






7/135 (5.2%)

16/142 (11.3%)

1.85 (0.75–4.60)



18/231 (7.8%)

19/219 (8.7%)

0.96 (0.49–1.88)


Microbiological etiology

 Bacterial proof



5/87 (6%)

10/81 (12%)

1.83 (0.58–5.74)



17/245 (6.9%)

22/254 (8.7%)

1.05 (0.55–2.02)


 Viral proof



1/38 (3%)

3/38 (8%)

0.44 (0.22–9.01)



16/181 (8.8%)

18/176 (10.2%)

1.05 (0.52–2.11)

  1. Data are number (%) unless otherwise stated. HR hazard ratio. CI confidence interval.
  2. aThe PSI is a clinical prediction rule to calculate the probability of morbidity and mortality in patients with community-acquired pneumonia; PSI risk class I corresponds to age ≤ 50 years, and no risk factors (≤50 points), risk class II to < 70 points, risk class III to 71–90 points, risk class IV to 91–130 points, and risk class V to > 130 points [20].
  3. bCox proportional hazards model including an interaction term of the respective subgroup variable with treatment group