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Table 2 Distributions of air trapping by the ratio of residual volume to total lung capacity (RV/TLC) and expiratory flow limitation (EFL)

From: Effect of twice daily inhaled albuterol on cardiopulmonary exercise outcomes, dynamic hyperinflation, and symptoms in secondhand tobacco-exposed persons with preserved spirometry and air trapping: a randomized controlled trial


RV/TLC > 0.35

N = 35

RV/TLC ≤ 0.35

N = 14

Expiratory flow limitation

 Had EFL at rest or during exercise

29 (82.9%)

14 (100%)a

  Had EFL at rest

19 (54.3%)

4 (28.6%)

  Developed EFL during exercise

10 (28.6%)

10 (71.4%)

Dynamic hyperinflation

 Had EELV increase across exercise

14 (40.0%)

7 (50.0%)

  1. Footnote: Distributions of air trapping as measured by residual volume to total lung capacity ratio (RV/TLC), expiratory flow limitation (EFL) as measured graphic overlap of tidal breathing with maximum expiratory flow-volume loop, and dynamic hyperinflation as measured by an increased in end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) from baseline throughout the exercise, estimated from regression coefficient of three EELV measurements at each of baseline (rest), 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% of the load intensity (watts) of the peak exercise stage achieved. Values represent number of participants and their percent of the total number in each of the RV/TLC groups of > 0.35 or ≤ 0.35. See text for detailed methods
  2. Abbreviations: RV residual volume, TLC total lung capacity, EFL expiratory flow limitation, EELV end-expiratory lung volume
  3. aHaving EFL at rest or during exercise was a required inclusion criteria for those participants with RV/TLC ≤ 0.35